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AOPA online workshop on the structure of the maintenance file on February 16th, 2022

16. Februar 2022 @ 18:00 - 22:00

Seminar description

When buying an aircraft, there is always a more or less sorted stack of paper for the aircraft, which is supposed to document the current technical condition. Of course, the European maintenance law stipulates the minimum content of such maintenance documentation. In addition, certain additional contents have emerged from practice that are useful for the maintenance of the aircraft. However, too much documentation can be disturbing: When collecting small things, you quickly lose sight of the essentials.

This seminar aims to convey how a pragmatic maintenance file is structured and how it can be maintained over the long term.

Structure and structure of a maintenance file

– Mandatory and useful content

Retention periods

Continuation of the documentation

Registration deadline: February, 11th, 2022

Costs / participation fee per person

100 EUR for AOPA members
125 EUR for non-members
(Prices including VAT)

in cooperation with Aufwind

How can I register?

To participate please send us an e-mail to with the following information:

Subject: application for online workshop on the structure of the maintenance file on  February 16th, 2022

Name, adress, zip code, country, member of AOPA (yes or no), which AOPA?

We will send you an invoice and a confirmation by e-mail.

Payment can be made by bank transfer or paypal.


16. Februar 2022
18:00 - 22:00


online Veranstaltung


06103 42081
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