Classes of Airspace
In Germany controlled airspace of Airspaces classes „C“, „D“ and „E“, as well as uncontrolled airspace class „G“, have been established.
These airspaces may be active continuously (H24) or occasionally (HX).
Altimeter Settings
On VFR flights up to an altitude of 5000 ft MSL or up to a height of 2000 ft AGL – if this level exceeds 5000 MSL – the altimeter shall be set to the QNH of the aerodrome with an ATC unitd nearest to the route of flight.
On VFR flights above these levels the altimeter shall be set to 1013.2 hPa (standard altimeter setting).
Semi-Circular Cruising Levels
On VFR flights with standard altimeter setting (1013,2 hPa) the following semi-circular cruising levels shall be used:
Eastbound – Magnetic track 000 to 179° – odd thousands +500
Westbound – Magnetic track 180 to 359° – even thousands +500
Transponder Settings
For the following VFR flights, aircraft shall be equipped with a Mode S transponder:
- flights in airspace „C“ oder „D“ (non-control zone)
- flights in transponder mandatory zones (TMZ)
- flights at night in controlled airspace
- flights above 5000 ft MSL or 3500 ft AGL (whichever is higher)
Transponder Code for VFR flights: A/C 7000